<Please check my CV for a much more updated version of this!>
My verbal areas of focus align with Cities that Work's four themes of 1) Urban Land Use, 2) Housing, Infrastructure and Public Services, 3) Firms and employment in cities and 4) Municipal finance and urban governance.
A collection of recorded and unrecorded academic and policy oriented presentations
Policy Expo: Global value chains and regional innovation
Pre-launch of our Policy Impact Book as part of RSA's Regions Cities Industry Webinar Series
Urban solid waste management and super pollutants in emerging cities - evidence and action for change
Innovate 4 Cities Virtual Conference, in partnership with IPCC, UNHabitat, and Global Covenant of Mayors.
Funding urban development projects and social projects
Digital presentation to Lagos Urban Development Initiative
Connecting back better: GVC sensitive policies for regional recovery
Digital presentation as part of co-hosted Special Session 25 on Global Value Chains, recovery, and regional development for RSA's Regions in Recovery Global E-Festival
Digital presentation to 19 cities part of Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office’s (FCDO) Global Future Cities Thematic Programme (GCFP).
COVID-19 and taxes: Policies for the post-pandemic recovery.
Digital presentation with co-authors to Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office’s (FCDO) Economic Growth and Tax Team’s Community of Practice.
Infrastructure projects for African integration into global value chains
Digital presentation to various senior policymakers in Ministries of Economy, Finance and External Trade in Cote D'Ivoire, Togo, Madagascar and Senegal.
A collection of recorded and unrecorded academic and policy oriented presentations
Move on Up!
Spatial productivity for regional and local development – 7th meeting. (2020). OECD Spatial Productivity Lab, Trento, Italy.
City resilience through time and space.
Arup City Resilience Workshop, World Urban Forum, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Enhancing the financial positions of cities
European Commission, World Urban Forum, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
A collection of recorded and unrecorded academic and policy oriented presentations
Supporting the Urban Dimension of Development Cooperation.
Advisory Group Meeting & Policy Session. European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
Youth and the City.
Challenges of Government Conference, University of Oxford. U.K.
Economics of Land Use Planning.
World Bank South-South Knowledge Exchange, Cape Town, South Africa.
Accessing Opportunities.
World Bank South-South Knowledge Exchange, Cape Town, South Africa.
The BRT and the Danfo.
IGC Community of Practice. [Digital Presentation]
Designed to Succeed.
Said Business School – Blavatnik School of Government Early Career Researcher Series, Oxford, U.K.
A collection of recorded and unrecorded academic and policy oriented presentations
Land Value Capture.
UK Built Environment Group (UKBEAG) policymaker training, London, U.K.
Analysis of proposed resilience and transport policies: Ho Chi Minh City.
UNHabitat Charette, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. [Simultaneous Translation]